22 Eylül 2016 Perşembe


What enter menopause?
A woman to completely cut the number of cases as a result of reduced ovarian activity is called menopause. another case caused the accident or pieces not seen the woman for 12 months causing menstruation to menopause on the exact diagnosis. In our country, the average age of menopause is around 46-48 entering, the average age of menopause is around 51 in the world.

Menopause diagnosis (diagnosis) How is it?
The term menopause in premenopausal before the complete cessation of menses that describes a few years earlier. In this period of ovarian hormones and menstrual irregularities gradually decreases occur, decrease so the ability of women to get pregnant. During this period, increases in the blood begins viewed FSH. The first days of the total FSH in the blood is usually judged by the 3rd day. The main reason for the rise in this hormone decrease in the hormone inhibin. i.e. ovarian follicles in egg cells is reduced inhibin hormone production is reduced, which leads to increased FSH release from the brain. The exact cause of the increase of FSH and not the reduction of estrogen, is the reduction of inhibition. estrogen levels may be normal during this period. Therefore, it is not so much the diagnosis of menopause estrogen imposing value is important FSH. Estrogen, progesterone and LH levels in this period is generally not important in the diagnosis of menopause does not change. Teşhisd most important criteria are examined and cared for FSH is the hormone levels in the blood. Only menopause can not be diagnosed by ultrasound. The definition of menopause is my vision for 12 months uninterrupted ads actually must be passed this time for a definitive diagnosis, ie retrospectively diagnosed with it last.

How do I know that I've entered menopause?
A woman looking at the symptoms described above or irregular menstruation, menstrual delay Based on such findings can not understand it entered menopause. There are many diseases that cause these symptoms other than menopause. Therefore, menopause can be diagnosed by a doctor performed some tests and examinations. teşhisd most important criteria as stated above, FSH is viewed examination and blood hormone levels. Only menopause can not be diagnosed by ultrasound.

I do not see ads for a few months, the number of irregular Did I wonder if I'm going through menopause?
This is where most of the patients doubts. Such complaints, especially after the age of 43-55 may indicate approaching menopause in their twenties and younger oyuzl age of menopause does not create much doubt, but still not known precisely as a result of the inspection. A woman in menstruation, menstrual irregularities, menstrual in sparse, outside which may cause symptoms such as menopausal bleeding has reduced the amount of many diseases. Goiter, some hormone disorders, some cysts, fibroids, stress, psychological situations pieces can cause various disorders. Therefore, you can not be sure that your symptoms of menopause without examination by your physician indicator.

postmenopausal women what to do?
Surely a women's health and the obstetrician (gynecologist) applying must be examined. Menopause diagnosis if they were clearly some blood tests, smear examination, inspection and, if necessary, such as the BMD film mammography for osteoporosis will be made. After all necessary drugs for menopausal symptoms or osteoporosis to be initiated. Women entering menopause should have a gynecological examination years.

Do you see the number of women entering menopause?
In the year approaching menopause (premenopausal years), albeit rarely it is normal to see one every few months. But after menstruation occurs if certain conditions for 12 months after menopause diagnosed with longer pieces (menses) or there should be another bleeding. If there is any vaginal bleeding should consult their doctor before for the investigation of the cause. Further information about bleeding after menopause may be ulaşabilrisiniz you by clicking here.

Is there a need for up to menopausal pregnancy prevention method?
After the age of menopause is approaching the 44-45 women become pregnant is extremely difficult, but not impossible, therefore, must be fully couples who do not want children to be protected, until the manopoz. After no menstruation has occurred to prevention methods can be for 1 year now. You should consult your doctor about birth control methods which can be used in advanced age, randomly used birth control methods without consulting a doctor can lead to dangerous situations.


physiological and hormonal menopausal women in his life as the body is a very important period of change. Hormonal changes in the body that occur in metabolic rate as a bazaar affect many organs and cause the system to slow down. In addition, the advancement of age and employees leaving the work of women, the rate of movement as well as such factors as the general retirement decreases. All of these factors creates a tendency to gain weight, so eating healthy postmenopausal women, active lifestyle (exercise) should be more careful in such matters.

Which foods should be consumed in menopause?
Because postmenopausal osteoporosis in women at increased acceleration of bone resorption (osteoporosis) increases risk. To reduce this risk, milk, yogurt, products such as cheese should be consumed every day. In addition, regular walks, sports reduces the risk of osteoporosis. 3-4 days per week for at least half an hour walk önerilmektedir.süt, yogurt, products like cheese, which is not from fat, fat-free (diet, light) should be preferred.

Vegetable dishes and dried legumes (peas, beans, peas, lentils) plenty to consume, consume fruits, red meat rather than the white meat (chicken) prefer red meat consumed if lean prefer more meat, margarine and olive oil instead of sunflower oil and prefers butter, are other important points to be considered to choose whole wheat or rye bread instead of white bread. It is recommended to consume fish 1-2 times a week. instead of fried food in oil grilling, baking in the oven haşlama types should be preferred.

drink plenty of water after the menopause, as well as all stages of life is also important. Coffee, excessive consumption of caffeine-containing beverages like soda may increase osteoporosis and may increase symptoms such as hot flushes. Therefore, clear tea, lime blossom, sage and should be consumed caffeinated drinks should be avoided as much as possible from.

What foods you need to avoid the menopause?
- Frying kind of fatty foods
- Sausage, salami, sausages, etc, foods
- Chocolate, sweets, sugary, creamy foods, cola-type drinks
- Pastry, fast food, pizza, hamburger, pastry, cakes, biscuits, chips type foods
- Full-fat cheese, yogurt, milk
- Oils, margarine, butter oil, lard
- Need to avoid excessive salt consumption.

High blood pressure, diabetes cases may have additional suggestions and warnings about feeding your present doctor, you should consider them separately.

Life as in earlier in menopause correct and healthy balanced diet women hypertension, diabetes, cancer, the prevention of various diseases such as heart disease, maintain their normal weight enables the prevention of osteoporosis.

Menopause delaying OR TO PREVENT POSSIBLE?

IS EARLY MENOPAUSE be deferred? MIN can be DENIED?
Menopausal women are one of the natural stages of life. Each woman will enter menopause at an early age, first identified in genetic structure. Some environmental factors such as smoking and adequate nutrition can affect the age at menopause for women at low rates but the most important factor is genetics. women entering menopause age is usually similar to their mothers and sisters. Further information about the age of onset of menopause is also written, can be found by clicking here. Therefore important to delay entering into a woman's age or menopause menopause is not entirely prevent. The important thing is women entering menopause with proper monitoring and treatment of possible complications from osteoporosis, are protected from various complaints.

A woman enters the menopause can be delayed or did you completely avoidable?
Menopause in women's ovaries (ovarian s) no longer does not produce hormones, so the egg can not develop according function is not to become completely cut off as a result of the ads. In this case:
- A fully enter menopause, women no longer provide sight to the ovarian function of some drugs that are not able to provide the produce to produce eggs and hormones. No drugs, hormones, it can not be herbal substances.
- The menstruation hormone drugs given to a woman who has entered menopause and the symptoms such as fever be set to go to press. However, menstruation, and take their complaints does not mean that this is no longer denied the woman's menopause or menopause in women. This woman is just as artificial due to exogenous hormone drugs sees menstruation due to the growth of the uterine wall, but no ovaries are producing hormones and eggs. Therefore it will see ads again when the drug is stopped outside.
- Menopause does a young woman who yasya entering or approaching menopause will be a middle-aged woman in drugs, hormones, treatment does not change the age at which menopause. Every woman will enter menopause age that is genetically determined by age will be unable to function in the ovaries. You can edit pieces or exogenous drugs can prevent some complaints but if women reach menopause without using drugs again when that time will come.
- There are some environmental factors that influence the age of menopause into a small amount. For example, smoking and inadequate, such as unbalanced nutrition. stood aloof from such factors as women enter later manopoz 1-2 years.

Is there a way to delay the menopause? Drugs, hormones, plants?
For this purpose use unconsciously attempted plants, treatments, food, drinks and so on. It can generate very harmful effects. Even the content of various substances can cause cervical cancer-like illness. Therefore, they must never be used without consulting a doctor. Women drugs used related diseases and hormone preparations can not prevent menopause, function blind and hormone production by the ovaries can not make it again as before only allows you to see artificially number of women and ensure the prevention of some şikayeter.

To prevent premature menopause, is it possible to postpone?
to begin menopause before the age of 40 that is not based entirely pieces of a woman before the age of 40 even though the loss of ovarian function, early menopause. Early menopause also achieved see again become unavoidable or ovarian function, as described above, but these patients should be provided with more advanced age to be able to see up ads drugs. That may develop due to complications such as menopause, osteoporosis drugs and exercise, it can be prevented with proper nutrition. However, early menopause is irreversible, the ovaries can be seen again function, ability to produce estrogen and progesterone, can create pregnancy becomes impossible.

Did you enter early menopause can be prevented by gene therapy?
Some research has been identified in genes related to earlier menopause. Early menopause with increased genetic research in future years is estimated to be where I'm treated like a lot of genetic diseases.

Menopause is HOW MANY YEARS?


while 51 reported average age of menopause in our country in the world with an average age of entering menopause earlier it has been reported around 46-48 years of age. Countries and race among genetic, environmental, food and so on. It varies depending on factors age at onset of menopause.

Age at menopause usually ranges between 45-55 years. A hundred years ago the average was based on the current women enter menopause earlier than 4-5 years. However, the age of first menstruation in young girls than a hundred years ago today (menarche) has become earlier.

factors that affect the age of onset of menopause:
- In developed countries, women are entering menopause a little more advanced age.
- Socio-economic level there is research showing that women who enter menopause at an earlier age low.
- There are studies showing that low level of education and working women in menopause to begin earlier.
- The age of onset of the first menstrual childhood (menarche) and examined the relationship between age at onset of menopause studies could not give a clear result. Some research in menstruating at an early age it was observed that entered early menopause in some other research has shown the opposite result.
- Most of the children who do not have any research (of childbirth) showed that women having children enter menopause earlier than women.
- It is observed that according to the weight of poor women enter menopause earlier than in most of the research. Similarly, some studies indicate that long and overweight women enter menopause at an older age.
- Menopause in smokers are known to start earlier than 1-2 years. A small number of studies have shown that entered menopause at a later age in contrast to alcohol use.
- Number of units in which there are some studies showing that frequently begin menopause earlier than those who rarely.
- Some studies suggest that enter menopause earlier than those living in high places.
- The age of menopause a woman's mother, aunt and sister are similar to genetic factors, usually because they are one of the most important factors in determining the onset of menopause.
- Begin menopause at an earlier age in women can not be fed well.
- Black women are members of the race to enter menopause earlier than those in Caucasians on average 2 years.

Kayseri in the average age of menopause in a survey conducted in 2005, 46 have been found. (46.3 ± 5.1 years) smokers in this study, it was found that the number of women who enter menopause earlier than those who entered into early menopause or a family irregular. (Î.I. Müderris et al.) (Turkish Fertil. Der.2005; 13: 158-164)

1900 and because it is much shorter than the average life expectancy of the people until the 2000s, the current women during menopause lived very little, or even a lot of women before menopause proportion of people in the menopause society lost their lives (in postmenopausal women) was very small. However, today the average life expectancy is many years post-menopausal women who have a high rate due to the passage of age in the seventies and symptoms of menopause formed accordingly in the body, the disease is commonly observed.

40 years ago it called early menopause to menopause status.

Early menopause (premature menopause)

Early Menopause (Premature Ovarian Failure) (POF)
enter the average age of menopause is around 51. It called early menopause before the age of 40 to enter menopause. Before 1 percent of women 40 years of age, one in a thousand, they enter menopause before the age of 30. Quantities and ovulation completely cut off, and very rarely irregular menstruation.

Early menopause causes:
- Receiving one or both ovaries by surgery
- Genetics - autoimmune causes
- Radiotherapy
- Kemaoterap the
- Turner syndrome
- Fragile-X syndrome
- 47, XXX
- Autoimmune oophoritis


Menopause "ovary (ovarian) the permanent end of menstruation that number as a result of loss of activity" is. Menopause diagnosis of a diagnosis made in case of a woman's menstruation for 12 months. Of course, this will cause menstruation to situations must not be another case, breastfeeding and so on. as..

Menopause literally means:
Latin word meaning mens months. stop Pause word, it means a break. The word menopause has occurred from the combination of those words. mens-pause = = menopause menopause (menopause is written in english)

During menopause symptoms:
- Flushing
- Sweating
- Sleep problems
- Mood Disorders
(Depression, irritability, aggression, anxiety ...)
- A decrease in libido
- Vaginal dryness, dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
- Difficulty in urination, polyuria
- Weakening of the bones (osteoporosis)

How long of menopause symptoms varies from person to person. Some people in a short while, some people can also take up to 10 years. Day 1 - the period between 5 years.

Hot flashes, and so on. Hormone replacement therapy is used in some patients for complaints and osteoporosis are the most common treatment.

I'm in menopause. Hormone Therapy Should I Buy?
Every woman entering menopause hormone replacement therapy should not be given. Although different applications after the last study on this subject in the past year suggest "only medium grade fever and şideetl the complainant should be given hormone therapy to women of the press" shape. Menopausal hormone therapy should not be given any complaints in women who are not related.
For more information on this subject, refer to hormone therapy at menopause.

Natural (spontaneous, spontaneous) menopause without any medication or surgery, depending on a woman's self is entering menopause.

Surgical menopause:
With the onset of menopause because of surgery to remove the ovaries. The ovaries begin menopause symptoms as eyne in natural menopause after surgery if taken alone or together with the uterus. Treatment and follow-up and the symptoms are similar to natural menopause.
Ovary (ovary) for women without a uterus not only received menopause. Rahmi not by now been taken to pieces but does not occur for the symptoms of menopause the ovaries continue to produce hormones therefore be said that menopause.

Induced (iatrogenic) menopause:
Due to treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, the ovaries are damaged as a result of the onset of menopause. Surgical menopause also fall into this group.

Early menopause:
40 years before the complete cessation of menses. Premature menopause so you can also click here for additional information referred to in this case.

Of the last menstrual period of the onset of symptoms associated with menopause until after 1 year is called perimanopoz last year. fire flashes associated with menopause, anxiety, menstrual disorders, such as insomnia symptoms often completely cut pieces start from 3-5 years ago.


In the last months of pregnancy should be considered in these pages and includes information on birth preparedness issues. before approaching birth mothers should be informed about the birth and must go, especially if you must obtain full information about its planned normal birth and birth information and confidence instead of fear, anxiety.
You can click on the sentence at the end of >> sign to get more detailed information about each.

 how the birth of 1-2 months before birth, your doctor, talk about what to do and where methods.

 If normal delivery is scheduled painless (epidural) did you or the birth of a normal birth completely naturally want me to decide with your doctor. >>

 Learn about labor pain and how to reduce it. In this way you will leave the fear and anxiety of the birth place of the knowledge and confidence. Thus the birth will take place in a more relaxed and happy. >>

 Prepare at least 1 month before approaching your birth bag birth. if all things are possible premature birth in a hurry and you unprepared. Therefore, you should wait for the birth bag ready with everything. >>

 Plan how you will get here when the pain began after you decided to hospital to give birth. Cramps may not be on your side one starts. If your spouse or others may take much time until your heart. Hospital going there on your own, you may need to meet with your partner. All of them by planning to create a birth plan for the hospital to reach. So when you apply your plan before labor starts alarmed.

 You must learn the symptoms that alert you when you notice these symptoms in labor and without creating anxiety and panic should contact the hospital where you plan way in advance. >>

 History with your doctor to determine if it takes the form of caesarean birth and planned to complete the preparation you need to do at home in the days before the surgery. >>

 Learn waiting phase in the delivery room at the hospital and when you go to give birth. In this way you will reduce fear and haste.


(Endometriosis interna)
of glands in the endometrium and myometrium layer of the uterus is the presence of stromal tissue. Estrogen is one of a growing dependent diseases, such as menopause when estrogen decreases adenomyosis decline.

Who is more commonly seen in? What are the risk factors?
- Advanced age
- More delivery (multiparty)
- Are undergoing cesarean section or uterine surgery
- Polymenorrhoea (are menstruating at frequent intervals)
- Early menarche

Signs and symptoms:
- Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia)
- To be in clots of menstrual bleeding
- Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual pain)

The soft and grown to be a global examination of the uterus is the most significant findings. Examination methods such as ultrasound and MR adenomyosis sion could only be set after hysterectomy certain histopathological diagnosis.

Differential diagnosis:
Uterine myoma, endometrial polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial ca. With such excessive bleeding should be considered in the differential diagnosis of diseases presenter.

Adenomyosis theories about the formation:
- Some experts think that direct invasion of endometrial cells into the myometrium occurs as a result of adenomyosis. Operations performed Cesarean incision in the uterine wall as this may cause invasion.
- The development stage of adenomyosis embrioyo According to another theory, the endometrial cells develop in the remaining myometrium.
- The theory that there might be cause postpartum endometritis development of infections such as adenomyosis
- Stem cells settled in the myometrium of adenomyosis theory that there might be reasons

Some drug treatments to reduce menstrual bleeding is rarely useful. For this purpose, NSAIDs, COC, GnRH analogues. Uterine artery embolization applied. Hysterectomy is the most definitive treatment.


Endometriosis is the presence of endometrial glands and stroma in tissue outside of the uterus. Endometriosis is most commonly seen in the pelvis. DG organs in the abdomen and pelvis outside the body can be seen in different regions. In women of reproductive age it is considered to be found approximately 10%. or malignant type of cancer is not a disease.

Endometriosis seen bodies:
Endometriosis most commonly in the ovaries (ovarian) is observed. in other organs in the pelvis outside the ovaries, pelvic peritoneum in Douglas pit, broad common in ligaments. Most colon and rectum are seen outside the pelvic organs. Apart from all the digestive tract, appendix, lung, pleura, but it can occur in any organ such as the brain. Surgical scar area can be seen in epizyotu my scars.

Endometriosis is common in women of reproductive age. The most common among 25-35 years old, is rare after the age of 45. After the period of the previous girls entering puberty or menopause it is very rare, because the development of endometriosis in the ovaries (ovarian) is closely associated with the production of estrogen and progesterone hormones. After hormone replacement therapy during menopause women can be seen in the area.

- Chronic pelvic pain (most common symptom)
- Abdominal pain, back pain, backache
- Number of be painful (dysmenorrhea)
- Infertility (infertility)
- Painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)
- Pain in the Limbs
Depending on which organ the more rarely settled ...
- Kabızklık or diarrhea
- Rectal pain hit
- Bloody stool
- To be bleeding from the anus
- The blood in the urine
- Each time that nosebleeds
- Be on time during menstrual bleeding and bruising parts of the body
- Katemenial pneumothorax (pneumothorax siklis menstrual cycle)
- Katemenial seizures (convulsions menstrual period is due to CNS involvement)
- Endometriosis patients for various reasons difficult to become pregnant. In pregnant patients with low risk it is higher than usual.

Endometriosis in the ovaries (ovaries) called endometrioma or chocolate cysts are cysts may occur due to the settlement. These cysts usually does alone, there often with endometriosis in the pelvic tissues.

How does endometriosis?
The exact cause of endometriosis is unknown, but some theories have been put forward to explain how it developed. These:
- Retrograde menstruation: the backward tube consisting of menstrual bleeding in the uterus and from there into progress towards the abdomen. The lung theory can not explain endometriosis in organs such as the brain.
- Vascular or lymphatic metastasis: the endometrium of the uterus that is moved to the innermost layer of blood vessels and lymph vessels elsewhere in the body and through it to settle in the region.
- Coelomic metaplasia theory: some turn into endometrial tissue under the influence of factors in some of the cells in the abdomen.

Risk factors include:
Endometriosis is more common in women who have the following risk factors.
- Infertility (infertility)
- Nulliparity
- Your mother and sister in women with endometriosis
- Menstruating at frequent intervals, but with prolonged bleeding women
- Early menarche
- Red, kımız haired women
- Utero DES exposure
- Tall, lean women (overweight is less common in women)
- Who fed red meat and high in fat

Generally, factors that reduce the frequency and duration of menstruation reduces the risk of endometriosis. For example, use of birth control pills, pregnancy, menstruation conditions are conditions that reduce the risk of endometriosis.

The definitive diagnosis of endometriosis is found to be, and what stage but laparoscopy or made by examining biopsies of suspicious areas seen during open surgery. Continuous groin pain, the pain and infertility in older units beginning in those who suffer from endometriosis is suspected. However, no complaint can not be the person with endometriosis. Endometriosis in the abdomen during surgery are small (3-5 mm), blue, red, pink is seen as spots. endometriosis in the operation phase of the light is determined to be moderate or severe, it is made scoring.

Kanda is a tumor marker CA-125 levels may rise in the diagnosis of endometriosis, but there is no pathognomonic feature can only be suspected of supporting the diagnosis.
Endometriosis can not be seen on ultrasound but if endometrioma cysts in the ovaries can be seen with ultrasound.

Infertility in endometriosis:
Connected ovarian endometriosis and adhesions formed in the tube can cause infertility. Also some substances secreted from endometriosis and sperm fertilized the egg, the uterus can interfere into the settlement. Endometrizo can lead to anovulation. Endometriosis, infertility does not occur in all patients, and some self-help treatment for pregnant women to various vulnerability can stay while others pregnancy, they need vaccination or IVF treatment. Chance of pregnancy in patients with advanced stage endometriosis and advanced age is lower. abortion in pregnant patients with endometriosis (low) risk is higher than normal.

Endometriosis accompanying diseases:
Endometriosis patients with an increased risk of clear-cell and endometrioid ovarian c (source). SLE, melanoma, non-hodking research showing an increased risk of lymphomas available (source).

There is no definitive treatment for endometriosis permanent. The aim of the treatment applied to relieve pain and to eliminate infertility. For this purpose, medical and surgical treatments can be applied. Drug therapy is useful in reducing the pain, but does not increase the pregnancy rates. Surgical treatments (laparoscopy) are useful to increase the pregnancy rate and in reducing pain as well. In the treatment of endometrioma cyst laparoscopic cystectomy is the most effect method. During menopause, estrogen levels in the body to regress to decrease endometriosis.

Medical treatment of endometriosis based on the principle that an estrogen-dependent disease. Drug therapy progestins (medroxyprogesterone acetate), antiprogestins (gestrinone, danazol), GnRH analogues (leuprolide, goserelin, buserelin), combined oral contraceptives (birth control pills), mifepristone, aromatase inhibitors (letrazole, anastrozole) can be used.

In cases of severe endometriosis, endometrioma cyst surgery is the treatment approach should be preferred in patients. The laparoscopic approach is the gold standard treatment. endometriosis and adhesions in abdominal surgery subversion burned and cut away as much as possible. This is very effective in reducing pain, but after a while complaints can begin again. To ensure the reduction of postoperative pain and the recurrence is usually given medication.

Non-steroidal painkillers antiinftamatu in reducing pain is quite effective, but the loss of endometrioma focus and do not provide these medicines complaints start again interrupted.

Infertility (infertility) treatment (ovulation treatment, vaccination or test-tube baby VB) applies if the child prompt.

hormones due to menopause in patients with a history of endometriosis, estrogen alone therapy should not be given if needed replacement therapy, the absolute progesterone should be added.


Infertility in Women so that makes it difficult to become pregnant (infertility) are factors associated with various diseases and problems. income advancing age at the beginning of these factors. Women age progresses (especially after age 35) are more difficult to become pregnant. After 40 years the risk of further increases.

A pregnancy (pregnancy) complicate or hinder reasons:
- Irregular sexual intercourse: the ideal relationship 2 times a week for a regular pregnancy. If for any reason between couples pregnancy occurs when it becomes difficult to 1 week or less frequent correlation between sex occurs, it is delayed.
- Intercourse during ovulation do not enter.
- Smoking is a factor adversely affecting pregnant.
- Obesity (overweight, obesity) would impact negatively.
- Excessive shows the negative effects of being poor.
- Fully normalize breastfeeding when breastfeeding is more difficult to get pregnant, but released.
- Stress

or prevent diseases that make it difficult to become pregnant:
- Hyperprolactinemia (milk hormone, prolactin elevation)
- Thyroid hormone disorders (goiter disease)
- Operations that are associated with ovarian and tubes passed
- Endometriosis and chocolate cysts (endometrioma)
- The septum present in the uterus (pitch), large fibroids and other pathologies
- Polycystic ovary of sendorm
- PID (infection involving the uterus and ovaries) Passing
- Anovulation (lack of ovulation, ovulation disorder)
- Severe serious chronic diseases (heart, liver, etc.).

Smoking makes it difficult to get pregnant, what are the influencing factors?
Some factors that contrary to popular belief does not prevent a pregnancy, infertility (infertility) does not cause problems, including:
- Before birth control pills, birth control being used needle
- Number retardant or expectorant similar number use hormonal drugs
- Spiral before being used
- Abortion is done
- Miscarriage, pregnancy is empty
- Men's premature ejaculation
- Antibiotics and pain medications
- Number timely intercourse
- Wounds in the cervix
- Burning and freezing treatments for cervical
- Vaginal discharge or mushrooms
- Genital warts (condyloma)
- The uterus is backward (retroversion uterus)
- Small fibroids and the inside of the uterus (submucous) non-pregnant does not affect leiomyomas
- Follicular cysts, corpus kuteer cyst, ovarian simple as I hemorrhagic corpus (over) cysts do not cause infertility. But chocolate cysts (endometrioma), creating adhesions can cause infertility problems in the tube.
- Having Piece of severe pain or no pain during the correlation between fertility (infertility) is not related.
- Vaginal cosmetic surgery (correction of lips, etc.) Will not affect future pregnancy Olius.

AVOID infertility


Fertility problems in couples experiencing problems can be detected equally in male or female, sometimes problems can be detected in both people. In about 10-15% of couples experiencing infertility problems in men and women what INABILITY what SATNA no reason. Please click here for additional information about infertility and its causes. Infertility may cause a wide range of women and men, some of these causes are preventable nature of some measures can be taken to reduce the risk, at least, but for some reason (such as congenital) are irrepressible nature.

Individuals or society in infertility (infertility) to prevent risks that may cause problems or may take steps to minimize, some of these measures are listed below.

- Smoking, alcohol, stay away from bad habits such as drugs.

- Stay away from stress

- Healthy eating does not pay attention to the rules, to excessive weight gain.

- A regular gynecological check to be examined women years of infertility can be prevented with early detection of certain diseases.

- Sexual relations with certain diseases as the cause diseases such as PID can cause infertility problems in men and women. Therefore, avoiding relationships that could pose risks for such diseases or condom use is important.

- Unreliable condom in sexual intercourse (without a condom) dissemination and public use should be made of the campaigns to raise awareness on this issue.

- Indivisible individuals who are at risk of sexually transmitted diseases in the Community must undergo health screening at regular intervals.

- Age progression with the age factor, especially when plans for marriage and pregnancy in women with decreased reproductive potential must also be taken into consideration. (See ... the age of the woman, the age of the man ...)

- If you are working in a workplace related to chemical inhalation or contact with these substances, you should investigate the factors that have to do with infertility.

- Or undescended testes in men early detection and treatment of diseases such as varicocele will reduce the quality of sperm.

- Schools, giving information about reproductive health community in areas such as military units.

What are the plants that prevent infertility?

Patients most often one of the subjects of interest that can be used to prevent infertility herbs, teas, herbs, Is there any cures? Such herbs and other substances can create harmful effects if unconscious use of this reason, infertility (infertility) should not be consulted as never sensitive and important issue. Couples reaching more aware of such efforts can reduce the chance of pregnancy while trying to have a child.


What should be paid attention to in order to facilitate getting pregnant? What are the methods that can be applied to accelerate to get pregnant? What should be done to get pregnant? What is the proper position to become pregnant? Questions like, especially when you want to become pregnant or as soon as a time trial, despite the questions they are worried of couples do not achieve pregnancy.

First, avoid pregnancy, despite the need that 12 months of regular intercourse to note that (avoid pregnancy in 6 months over 35 years) in case of infertility that is mentioned in the case of infertility, and in this case only a waste of time to apply here mentioned proposal may cause it the necessary treatment as a result of the tightening. Therefore, infertility (infertility) patients with the condition should consult a doctor to investigate and treat the cause of it, as described herein and doctors should pay attention to facilitating factor suggested. Non-availability of infertility is concerned, the duration of unprotected intercourse can try to stay pregnant with their own proposal only facilitates the pregnancy shorter than 1 year and couples can apply to the doctor during pregnancy does not occur at the end of 1 year. this period is 6 months every 6 months over the last 35 years because even at this age is important for ovarian reserve and hormonal status, you need to consult a doctor for treatment without delay pregnancy.

suggestions to be considered for pregnant:
- First of all it is necessary to take care to engage in the time close to the spawning period. Please click here for additional information on this subject. with automatic calculator by clicking here you can calculate your ovulation day. ovulation can be made at home for determining the day of ovulation (ovulation) test can be used.
- Week 2 or 3 times regular sexual intercourse is sufficient to increase the chances of pregnancy. Every day, more does not increase the chance that the relationship because sperm can survive for 3 days. Even that relationship every day, especially with low sperm count allows the discharge of the accumulation of men without enough sperm in men, instead of 2-3 days sperm accumulates is more useful to enter into relationships with numerous and motile sperm.
- Relationship completely into the vagina before they should discharge men out immediately. never stand up on his back from the relationship after the woman's need to sleep 15 minutes. Just to get up or go to the toilet can cause sperm to leak out, which reduces the chance of pregnancy. Women's backstroke yatake the amount of sperm can flow out, this is normal and there is no significance, trapped in sperm that is more than enough for pregnancy.
- Ilske position entered is not important, the important thing is the man after intercourse and ejaculation inside the woman is lying on your back for 15 minutes. There is no sex positions that increase the chances of pregnancy.
- Should never wash the inside of the vagina.
- Relationship lubricant should be avoided if possible, particularly if used, must use water-based lubricants manufactured for that purpose. It is not made for the purpose cream, oil, etc. should not be used.
- Smoking and alcohol, you should stay away from substances such as drugs. These are factors that affect the potential for poor pregnant.
- If you give them excessive weight, diet and exercise may be beneficial.
- Any food or beverage that makes it easy to get pregnant, herbal teas and so on. They do not. This type of vegetable juices (onion juice, onion cure) there is a benefit in terms of pregnancy.
- You should stay away from stress.
- There are no drugs that can be used on their own at home to facilitate the couple to get pregnant. The drugs easier to become pregnant but are used under the supervision of doctors put patients teşhs infertility, doctors use outside the control is very inconvenient.
- Vitamins used for pregnancy (folic acid and multivitamins) or iron (blood) does not facilitate pills pregnancy. All women who plan to become pregnant should begin to use folic acid to prevent certain disabilities, but it is not the baby to facilitate pregnancy.
- Some other medications you use for disease also can affect zorlaşırıc to become pregnant, if you are using such drugs Have yourself before cutting such an impact so you should consult your doctor.
- The age of the woman's chance of pregnancy is highest are aged 20-30 years. Men are not as important as women age.

Chronic Pelvic Pain

The definition of chronic pelvic pain "that requires treatment in women and cause functional impairment at least 6 months in the abdomen below the navel and the pain felt in the groin" shape. You can also click here to matters which have been described groin pain.

such as gynecological some of the reasons could be among the causes of chronic pelvic pain, urinary tract urological so on, related to the intestines, and can also cause neurological-related musculo-skeletal system. Chronic pelvic pain in women between ages 18-50 is seen at a ratio of 14-25%.

gynecological causes of chronic pelvic pain:
- Endometriosis (the most common gynecological reasons)
- Adhesions (abdominal adhesions)
- Fibroids
- Over (ovarian) cysts
- adenomyosis
- Pelvic congestion syndrome
- Vestibulitis
- Chronic PID

gastrointestinal causes of the chronic pelvic pain:
- Irritable bowel syndrome (the most common cause of non-gynecological)
- Chronic appendicitis
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Diverticulosis
- diverticulitis
- Meckel's diverticulum
- Hernia (hernia)

urological causes of chronic pelvic pain:
- Abnormal function of the bladder (detrusor instability)
- Urethral syndrome (chronic urethritis)
- Interstitial cystitis

psychological causes of chronic pelvic pain:
- Depression
- Somatization
- Psychosexual disorders

reasons related to the musculoskeletal system, chronic pelvic pain:
- Nerve compression (neuritis)
- Fasciitis
- Scoliosis
- Discopathy of
- spondylolisthesis
- Osteitis pubis

Due to the variety of complaints diagnosed as chronic pelvic pain can be due to various reasons are in a difficult situation very well. A detailed history of the patient's diagnosis and the blood and urine tests done to investigate the infection outside the examination, ultrasound and laparoscopy may be necessary sometimes to observe the inside of the abdomen.

Chronic pelvic pain may be a variety of reasons, such treatment is provided for determining an exact cause or causes Abilmişse. No cause can be detected in the performed analysis of empirical cases as painkillers (NSAIDs), and sometimes the birth control pills (oral contraceptives) can be given.
If the pain of endometriosis is considered as a cause or if it can be diagnosed by laparoscopy GnRH drug treatment.
If psychological reasons are considered anxiolytic, antidepressant drugs can be used.
Acupuncture treatment has been reported to be successful in treating some patients.

Groin pain

Groin pain in the lower abdomen uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder are associated with pain and pathologies of the intestine. Patients admitted to the gynecology clinic is one of the most frequent complaints.
Groin pain, sometimes intense while it appears sudden (acute pelvic pain) and sometimes disturbing ongoing for a long time (chronic pelvic pain) may form. Young and single in the less observed, are more common in women of reproductive age, middle age, are still rare in post-menopausal complaints.

Groin pain can be a variety of reasons. In fact, some patients may no reason.
The main reasons:
- Uterus, ovaries and tubes of infection (inflammation) (PID)
- Urinary tract infection, cystitis
- endometritis
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Endometriosis
- Ovarian cyst rupture
- Ovarian Cyst Torsion (Buckling)
- Mittelschmerz (ovulation pain)
- Fibroids
- appendicitis
- Intestinal inflammation
- Irritable bowel disease
- Disease of the skeletal system
- Stone in the urinary tract and kidneys, is sand

pelvic pain during pregnancy is one of the most common complaints. This is discussed in detail in a separate article on the subject, can be found by clicking here.

which it has long been a "chronic groin pain" is the diagnosis and treatment of conditions often creates difficulties caused by problems with the reproductive system (uterus, ovaries). diseases of other organs in the abdomen is capable at times of chronic groin pain (intestine, muscle, such as the peritoneum and bone pain). Please click here for additional information about the causes of chronic pelvic pain.

What is done for diagnosis:
Groin to investigate the cause of pain in patients with first vaginal examination (not made in virgin), abdominal examination, urinalysis done. In some cases it may be necessary to clarify the cause of further blood tests or imaging studies such as CT.

Treatment is planned according to the cause of the pain. It usually sufficient oral antibiotic therapy when infections, ovarian cysts, causes such as fibroids can sometimes require surgery. Among the causes of groin pain as described above it is not always due to a cause such as general surgery and gynecology or urology branches sometimes can be caused by disease of interest. In these cases, the treatment by the relevant branch PLALAM specialist.


Pain in the abdomen and groin PREGNANT
In the early weeks of pregnancy and the following months, at times close to the mother for various reasons in recent weeks birth may feel abdominal and groin pain. This pain can be a variety of reasons, some of these reasons is important when some trivial and does not require treatment and even require hospitalization, even hospitalizations.

In the first days of pregnancy and even pieces of mild discomfort in the abdomen and groin area in the first days of the recognized geciktiğin usually felt by many women.

Pregnancy 3 and felt a sharp pain, like a knife stabbed in the groin of 4 months. While moving, the pain can be worsened by suddenly stood up abruptly. This is stretching the ligaments and ligaments around the uterus depends on the cause of pain in the uterus to grow. (Round ligament pain) uterus induced growth usually round ligament pain on the right side but may also be on both sides.

Constipation, bloating and gas may cause discomfort and pain in the abdomen.

false labor pains are called Braxton-Hicks contractions felt during the last months of pregnancy also can cause abdominal pain. These contractions are separated from the real birth pains, but the pass is irregular and mild and relax. If such contractions are frequent and severe, and should consult their doctor before coming does not pass, it could be a sign of premature labor or real labor pains.

abdominal pain during pregnancy, pelvic pain during pregnancy
Click on the picture to büüyt

Every type of matter which is accompanied by pain or not during pregnancy should consult a doctor immediately in case of absolute vaginal bleeding.

Abdominal and / or flank pain associated with fever, nausea, vomiting, blood in complaints such as burning during urination or urine may be due to urinary tract infections.

In the upper part of the abdomen (especially the liver in the right upper area) pain and accompanying headache, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision complaints such as blood pressure elevation (pre-eclampsia) may indicate.

feeling extreme pain in the pelvis that is rarely pelvic joints can occur during pregnancy. Especially in symphysis pubis (front midline joint location corresponding to the area of ​​the pubic hair) extreme relaxation roof due to bone pain in joints due to hormones (pubic pain) can be called severe pain. These hormones are loosen to prepare for the birth canal, the baby's birth.

The ovaries (ovarian) cysts may rarely occur during pregnancy and tear (rupture), twisting (torsion) can cause pain in the groin with such reasons.

The groin and abdominal pain in pregnancy "unrelated to pregnancy" may also be a reason. For example, appendicitis, gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis), diverticulitis, may be the reason why a lot of abdominal pain such as stomach ulcers. Therefore cause of abdominal pain in pregnancy should be studied very carefully, is pregnancy due to normal pelvic pain, is a problem due to pain related to pregnancy or pregnancy-interest attached to an unrelated illness pains me to be distinguished. Treatment is planned according to the cause of the pain.

21 Eylül 2016 Çarşamba


The normal number of sperm production in men and property,
clear and adequate function of the sperm ducts,
Women in egg production,
Openness of the female egg conductive tube,
Ovulation days of sexual intercourse,
and the meeting of sperm and egg fertilization,
proper function of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg,
The fertilized eggs, embryos and fetuses settle in the womb (fetal) version of the pickup,
The birth of the baby completes its development.

Sperm are produced in the testes of the male reproductive cells. Unlike women continue production until the end of life starts at puberty. Likewise, once a month in the female ovulation cycle (ovulation) and one (rarely several) egg cell (ovum) despite the occurrence of sperm production in men is continuous.
To produce sperm in men's sperm eggs at birth parent cells (spermatogonia) is located. These cells, they wait quietly until puberty. hormones secreted by the brain in adolescence (FSH, LH) increases with the main sperm cells in the egg starts dividing. The resulting cells are also various new division, growth and differentiation stage of sperm becomes passing through.
about 50-200 thousand sperm produced in the testes minutes. Epididymal sperm in the testicles are formed in the channel name entered into the duct system. Here the sperm continue to mature, they arrived at the tail of the epididymis and would have gained the ability to move independently. The advent of ripe complete the development of a sperm cell takes about 70 days.
Sperm, 5-7 microns in length, in the 3-4 micron, pear-shaped head, the tail portion is composed of 2 to 3 microns in length and 40-45 microns long neck.
The Out Out Sperm
When the sexual stimulation of sperm cells, the secretion of prostate and seminal fluid sacs, begin to accumulate in the back of the urinary tract and the exhaust duct. for accumulation, took part at the top and bottom of the prostate in the urinary bladder side of the canal system within the prostate sphincter (sphincter mechanism) is kept closed by. Thus the accumulated fluid escapes out of the bladder and urinary tract. The accumulated liquid semen given name.
When it reaches the peak of sexual arousal, ejaculation reflex called the event starts. internal sphincter of the bladder side closed, while the external sphincter opens. Simultaneously, on the muscle of the urethra and the discharge channel are fast and rhythmic contractions. With these contractions semen, urine is expelled from the hole in the spout style with a few moves.

Mother tissue on either side of the backbone of the unborn fetus, and the fetal chromosome structure starts to change as female ovaries. Differentiating ovarian eggs in the main cells in the 6th week of pregnancy (oogonia) is evident. 20. The main egg cells divide and multiply until next week. Then, 46 chromosomes (genes), these cells are divided into phases to halve the number of chromosomes. This division is not completed, consisting of between 7 and 9 months of pregnancy. These cells receive the remaining cleavage-stage oocytes name. Around oocytes are surrounded by a layer of cells, they start quietly waiting in the ovaries. The number of these are specific and then change. So the ovaries of women, has a number of reproductive cells unlike men.
From birth until puberty, the oocytes in the ovary waiting unchanged, they will become mature egg cells develop after puberty. However, for various reasons none of them, while 99% only develop about 1% is converted into the egg cell.

Ovulation (Ovulation)
Female period of about 14 days in the brain pituitary (brain which secretes hormones in the central part of) the amount of the LH hormone secreted by the area suddenly increases. by cracking the egg cell membrane subsequently mature follicle is released. This event is given ovulation name.

Ovarian, during the development of the egg cell is produced from the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The first period of the previous period of ovulation estrogen, ovulation after the second period of the tissues in the uterus hormone called progesterone, which allows it to become suitable for the nesting of the fertilized egg. Otherwise, the fertilized egg into the uterus will nest and will be low.

Min spring flowers in sexual intercourse during pregnancy?

In general, sexual intercourse is not a problem in pregnancy is not a drawback. Alone any bleeding in early pregnancy so that the first 3 months. relations should be avoided if risk situations. In cases where your doctor will advise you to close the cervix placenta do not enter into relationships. Touching breasts in advanced pregnancy period may cause excessive uterine contractions, it should be avoided.

It is that pregnancy can occur even though the man's ejaculation Withdrawal from?

The withdrawal method is the risk of pregnancy is not recommended because with this method for birth control is very high. As for the cause before male ejaculation may take a very small amount of fluid and sperm from the vagina, penis, women, men or women, it does not matter. This can create even a small number of sperm pregnancy.

And after washing the vagina from the relationship to Prevent Pregnancy?

can not avoid. Because sperm are very fast and within seconds they reached the woman's uterus.
Also vagina (chamber) wash infections that cause vaginitis and would certainly need to be made current.

Which I entered Relations Time Protection in pregnancy does not occur?

Theoretically, no matter what time of unprotected intercourse can cause pregnancy entered.
But a woman who is a regular and ovulation in 28 days (ovulation) is the most at risk for the most common idónea day 14 of the menstrual given that relations between 8 and 18 days. days is less risky than this period. (Because the egg is 1 day, 3 days I spin (rarely 7 days) alive.)
But, as mentioned before this is not guaranteed. Yields regular, even spawning a woman who is always on the 14th day olmayabilr previously could or later, which increases the risk of pregnancy entered the relationship at that time.

Then, How Do I Start Protection birth? Breastfeeding Protects from pregnancy MI?

Breastfeeding protects against pregnancy but at night, including partially ensures very high level of protection of lactation. That means as long as you do not need to protect breastfeeding would be so very wrong.
Night including a very regular lactation no solid - breastfeeding until 6 months after giving birth in those liquid food supplement can protect against pregnancy.

Intermittent or irregular breastfeeding and breastfeeding does not protect a safe food in addition to 3 weeks after giving birth so these people should begin to protect an appropriate method. Otherwise, pregnancy, breastfeeding may also occur.

Fibroids birth Problems Create free?

Small (3-5 cm) fibroids usually do not create a problem at birth. The large fibroids, if passageway near the birth canal and the baby may need to be disabled if a caesarean section covering the cervix.
Few also be difficult because of fibroids from the uterus to contract after delivery if there is a risk that more than yüzüz bleeding.

What are the Risks of cesarean?

Caesarean section is an operation done through the abdomen and carries some risks like any surgery. These:
- Incision site infection

- Would be more blood loss compared to normal birth

- Surgery sırans in other organs in the abdomen (bowel, bladder ..) are at risk of injury

- Depending on the surgical adhesions in the abdomen may occur

- Hospitals are required to stay for more

- Be fully recovery in the mother and later return to the normal Hayat al

- May be problems with the anesthesia used during caesarean section ilaçö

- Maternal mortality during caesarean section rate is higher than normal birth

- Cesarean delivery is more common in babies born with respiratory problems

- There is a risk of the baby being affected by anesthesia

Few previous week Births Early birth?

Normally, pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, but the birth was over 37 weeks is considered normal time and is regarded as premature birth before 37 weeks.

What is the difference of real and false labor?

False labor pains, "Braxton Hicks contractions" is called. These gebellikl the last trimester (after 6 months) but starts earlier (after 4 months) can be seen. This pseudo pain will not cause the opening of the uterus and birth, but it needs to be distinguished from real pain.

- Liar pain is irregular, do not come at fixed intervals, you can not predict the future in advance. The real birth pangs always come and disappear with the same regular intervals.
- Not increasing the frequency and şidddet of False labor pains. Real labor pains increasingly frequent and increased violence.
- Lying to act or pain passes, but the real pain does not have to change your position.
- Real Pain 30 - takes 60 seconds. Liar duration of pain indicates many changes each time, often shorter (15-20 seconds) time
- Liar style gives a lot of inconvenience to pain is pain.

Move a little walk up already if you lay or lie down, relax when you feel this kind of false labor. Drink plenty of water because of water scarcity in the body can also cause this contraction. Nevertheless you should consult your doctor about these gripes are not late.

What are showing symptoms of the upcoming birth?

The following symptoms may be a sign that begins a few days or weeks after birth.

1. inmesindendola the baby from the pelvis down, you start to breathe easier.

2. scroll down to the pelvis and the baby's bladder compression causes you to urinate more often.

3. noticeable change in the way your stomach with the stroke of the baby.

4. Engagement shows that the birth of coming closer.

5. softening of the cervix examination, deletion, opening to notice.

During pregnancy (pregnancy) Do Waxing & Hair Removal can be done?

Pregnancy laser or electrolysis (needle aspiration) is no harm is done by the methods of hair removal. Laser implementation does not include X-ray or similar waves so that it is not harmful to the baby. During pregnancy, the applicable network. Solo 5 months after the hair removal is not recommended to be done in this area because the abdomen and breast are tender.

depilatory creams, etc, agents in pregnancy is generally not recommended because there are a wide variety of materials and their content is unclear effects on the baby.

pubescence increase in pregnancy is in most women and usually resolves after delivery, so the pregnancy was standing as far away as possible from such concerns implementation has not decreased feathers postpartum interventions to reduce the hair growth would be more accurate.

How then begin again from birth My Number?

After birth, breastfeeding women menstruation is generally delayed until 6 months if it begins after 1-2 months.
The number of nursing mothers already are not expected to see up to 18 months or even up to 6 months after birth can see Adey.
But here you do not see ads point to be considered does not mean you can not stay pregnant! This means that your ads can begin after birth and initiation of ovulation can lead to pregnancy. It must be protected, including through the night so frequently and recommended by your doctor if you are regularly breastfeeding 3 months after birth prevention method that suits you. Regular and protection should start after 3 weeks after birth often do not breastfeed.

How low do I then can stay pregnant again?

After low for people who have low protection önerilil 3 months, you can keep pregnant later.


(Single Umbilical Artery - SUA)

Normally the umbilical cord (umbilical cord, funis) has 3 vessels. Two of them that umbilical artery is the artery. It is one that collects the umbikal and vessels. The first stage consists in the fact that the fetus has a right and left 2 umbilical vein but right umbilical vein disappears and only left umbilical vein.

Normally, arteries in the human body (arteries) and clean the blood that carry oxygen-rich blood from food, collect blood vessels (veins) that carry blood contaminated blood containing carbon dioxide and waste materials. This is contrary umbilical cord in the fetus. Umbilical artery carries blood to the placenta to the fetus dirty, clean umbilical vein carries blood from the placenta to the fetus. There is a also a so-called single umbilical artery, umbilical artery and umbilical cord blood in case.

Single umbilical artery in 1% of all births in the singular presence is found in 5% of twins. It is not known exactly why it occurs.

Which cases are more common?
- In the presence of maternal diabetes and preeclampsia
- Olgihodramnios in the presence polhidramnios
- Chromosomal abnormalities that pregnancy
- Twin pregnancies
- More common in female babies
- More common in twin pregnancies
- Were advanced maternal age
- Multiparity

Gone in 2 instead of 3 recognizable by ultrasound cord vessels normally seen and monitoring of large arteries. Color Doppler ultrasound to be seen to be monitored by a single artery and bladder of the fetus is only one side of the artery.

What is the importance of having a single umbilical artery?
Single umbilical artery of the fetus has been reported that 20-30% accompanied by a number of other anomalies. These heart defects, abnormalities of the digestive system, kidney and brain abnormalities such as various anomalies. Single umbilical artery most watched chromosomal abnormalities associated with trisomy is 18. before or after birth due to this anomaly is observed mortality rate of 10-20%. growth retardation observed in 15-20% of fetuses during pregnancy.
Single umbilical artery and lower risk of premature birth has increased.
Almost half of single umbilical artery of the fetus which is born completely healthy and without any anomalies.

follow-up of pregnancy:
When the single umbilical artery diagnosed during pregnancy should investigate whether the absolute accompanied by other anomalies. Fetal echocardiography should be performed. If accompanied by other abnormalities can be detected by amniocentesis for fetal chromosomal abnormalities and chromosomal analysis research. Although there are other low risk of chromosomal abnormalities not detected anomalies with the family discussed the risks of amniocentesis to be decided. Fetal growth retardation should be monitored by ultrasound measurements in terms of the formation. After the birth, "kidney" to do ultrasound to investigate the anomaly is recommended.

Cystic hygroma

Cystic hygroma (cystic hygroma) in a defect in the lymphatic system, cystic due to the accumulation of fluid under the skin in the neck area due to congestion do occur.

Cystic hygroma mainly including Turner syndrome (45, X0) is Youssou possibility of coexistence with different chromosomal disorders. Chromosomal abnormalities found in about half of cases. Therefore, amniocentesis or fetal blood sampling fetus with chromosomal analysis should be performed. No other abnormalities of the possibility of cystic hygroma detected, the fetus is high.

Treatment is not a problem and possible death often occurs in the womb. Large cystic hygroma and septal studies, fetal hydrops in the accompanying fate will be worse. Sometimes cystic hygroma is seen that improved over time. After the birth of the baby that is completely it can also lead a normal life.

The risk of aneuploidy is the most commonly associated with cystic hygroma anomalies. Yaklalık are chromosomal abnormalities in 70%. Cystic hygroma Umeda most common chromosomal anomalies Turner syndrome (45, X0) d. Cystic hygroma detected in the first trimester studies trisomy 21 it is more common.

Cordocentesis (CORD BLOOD COLLECTION from)


Cordocentesis entering into the uterus with pregnancy with a special needle through the abdominal wall is taken from the baby's umbilical cord blood. a small amount of blood is taken up 2-3 milliliters of cordocentesis.
Taken blood karyotyping baby's genetic research that can be done to further assess whether affected or how the baby's blood incompatibility to investigate some infections. If still lead to anemia, blood disorders in infants, unborn babies Cordocentesis method can also be done with a blood transfusion.
(Also abbreviated as PUBS: Percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling)

Umbilical vein (umbilical cord is collected in vessels) of large diameter, wall thickness of less composed and arterial (arteries) umbilical and fetal bradycardia initiatives is preferable to a higher rate of interest due to the initiative. If possible the entry of the first strand of the placenta is preferably made from a free bead portion is not possible. Kordosenteztez after blood incompatibility in families with blood incompatibility (anti-D) injection is made.

When are Cordocentesis?
Usually 18 to 20. and after weeks of gestation until delivery can be made every month. Not only in twin pregnancies can be administered in single pregnancies, cordocentesis.

Cordocentesis apply in which situations?
- Ultrasonography doubt the presence of abnormalities in the baby (this is the most common cause of cordocentesis)
- Determination of high risk in screening tests
- To give clear results of other diagnostic methods
- Failure of culture in amniocentesis
- Apply now for prenatal diagnostic methods the family
- The evaluation of some infectious diseases (toxoplasma, rubella)
- Not affected by the presence of blood incompatibility
- Baby in the presence of anemia
- Advanced maternal age
- Have retarded development in the womb the baby
- Oligo (for lack of baby juice)
- Before giving birth to abnormal babies
- Parental balanced translocation

According to other prenatal diagnostic methods can lead to more serious complications chordocentesis. A process according to amniocentesis is more difficult.

What are the risks Cordocentesis?
After application, the slowdown in the baby's heartbeat, premature birth, the water coming, infection, problems such as bruising can be seen in the umbilical cord. bleeding into the amniotic fluid may occur. The risk of losing the baby in Cordocentesis application is about 1-5%. Mother related infections may be risks such as bleeding. Therefore, fever in the days following the operation, chills, water coming, vaginal bleeding, pain, should consult a doctor immediately in the presence of contraction.

The needle directly harm the baby is unlikely situation in practice. That is not a situation such as needle-stick injury to the baby and it is rare to be called because it is made by observing all ultrasound-guided procedures. But the baby's heartbeat after taking blood from the cord deterioration and the risk of dying babies are about 1-5 per cent rate.

How Cordocentesis?
Operations performed ultrasound examination is performed as in the supine position. baby by ultrasound and observing cord with a needle extending inside the uterus is taken from umbilical cord blood in small amounts. It is a process which lasted approximately 10-15 minutes. After the procedure the patient can go home a few hours of rest. After a few days the patient is recommended to refrain from excessive strenuous activity. If blood incompatibility between parents needle made of blood incompatibility.
approximately one week after the procedure and informed the family becomes obvious by the results. As a result of chromosomal abnormalities incompatible with life Cordocentesis baby in the family diagnosed cases of pregnancy termination options are available.

When interest the results of Cordocentesis application? Is it safe?
conclude an average of 7-10 days after cordocentesis. Cordocentesis genetic analysis procedures give results very close to certain as the amniocentesis. mixing of blood taken from the mother cell mosaicism in situations like having babies rarely cause misdiagnosis. Approximately 99% said that give reliable results for the intended disease. all genetic diseases with Cordocentesis undetectable. May not be obtained after cordocentesis culture, then the examination can be made. Culture is reported failure rate of approximately 10-15% in different centers.

Cleft lip - palate

Cleft palate - during development in the womb, the baby's lips occurs because of defects that occur in the combination of the structure in the face. 700-1000 pregnancy 1 is seen in. It could be together as cleft lip and palate could be individually. Genetic factors Although there is no exact cause of this condition, environmental factors, non-alcohol is used during pregnancy, certain medications, infections, for reasons such as folic acid and vitamin B deficiency can lead to this condition.

a number of other body abnormalities in babies born with a cleft lip-palate may also be part of the agreement. Therefore, a thorough physical examination should be done after birth to this baby.

Cleft lip sucking babies can be fed breast without encountering a serious shortage in the normal way. But there is a problem in feeding the baby cleft palate. These babies have difficulty sucking the breast; It can clog the airways of the baby during feeding; The milk is milk flowing from the nose or throat to escape it can absorb faced with such situations.
Cleft palate in babies expressed milk from the mother's breast feed the most appropriate method is to give a soft bottle-fed babies. These children frequently upper respiratory tract infections, otitis media seen. In these cases, treatment of ear, nose and throat specialists should be ensured.

2,5-3 months cleft lip, cleft palate 6 months - 1 year of age should be between surgery while. If the union cleft lip and cleft lip and palate at 3 months, 1 year old should be operated cleft palate.

For cleft palate that will be speech disorders in children, these children must be operated before you start talking. Postoperative children may need speech therapy to get help from speech therapists in these cases.


Among the people that abortion after pregnancy heed either to stay or called as part of the uterus are not fully cleaned condition (medically rest is called) it is the state remains in the womb of a portion of conception. After the abortion procedure rarely gestational sac, placenta, or they may remain in the uterus, usually a small part.

In case the symptoms remain part:
Normally, that termination of pregnancy is reduced gradually bleeding within a few days after the abortion process and cut a small amount of bleeding will be much less than 1 week. But that does not diminish in the next few days rest if they remain part of the abortion bleeding and sometimes even increased. Patients may notice that the pieces clots or excessive bleeding is reduced. Sometimes patients can reduce minor or a major part. Pain may take longer than normal if they remain part Although it is usually 1-2 days after the abortion and menstruation may cramp-like pain. Have pain or excessive bleeding is not required to keep track and although sometimes they are not only detected incidentally in control.

To remain a part of any post-abortion patients develop against the possibility of infection or other complications often called to check examination 1 week after abortion. If it is determined to remain part of the ultrasound and again with a slight interference (usually vacuum abortion) received the remaining part. In some cases, medication can be given. The remaining part is shorter and simpler process compared to the process of obtaining an abortion procedure, usually so patient receiving anesthesia. not necessary. hatsalık as long as women remain part noticing cleaned pieces on topics such order or get pregnant it does not create any inconvenience.

BIRTH (Congenital) DEFECTS

Approximately 3-5% of newborn babies in the various structural anomalies (anomaly = unusual structural feature) is encountered. With advancing technology is sometimes possible to detect abnormalities at an early stage, it anomalies incompatible with life rather than allow babies to more growth is possible to terminate the pregnancy.

There is no risk factor in many infants with congenital disorders. Nevertheless increases the risk of the presence of certain factors:
- Family or personal history of birth defects
- Previous children have birth defects
- The use of certain drugs during pregnancy formation
- 35 years later pregnancies

However, it is impossible to determine the overall problem is unnecessary. Because a significant number of congenital anomalies does not create any negativity, problems are corrected. Early detection of possible anomalies incompatible with life principles on ultrasound, so to be able to provide mothers and families of the less wear as much as possible in every sense.

Diaphragmatic Hernia: the abdomen and chest cavity of the organ in the abdominal cavity due to a defect in the diaphragm separates the chest cavity from each other, it is partly a case of herniation. Defect weight determines the size of the abdominal organs into the chest cavity. Almost all of the many congenital abnormalities is likely to be with anomalous vardir.En system, reproductive system, skeletal system and kidneys, bladder problems of post-operative patients with moderate çıkar.hafif anomalilerininh weeks all of them living without sequelae may be possible.

Adenoid cystic congenital malformation: an emerging disease by the presence of cysts in the lungs without the normal anatomy. Often the diagnosis is put after birth and can be treated surgically. If adenoid cystic ultrasound development is followed by serial sonographic malformation detected if, when fetal hydrops are the first signs emerged of birth should be performed and surgical treatment should be applied.

NERVOUS SYSTEM anomalilerimerkez nervous system of postnatal treatment of a portion of some of the anomalies that occur in the life incompatible may be possible.
Hydrocephalus is the brains of the space in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is considered among the thousand increase in frequency durumudur.görül 0.3-0.5. Hydrocephalus can occur for various reasons and the cases of other anomalies are found in the central nervous system and other systems in up to half. The enlargement of the lateral ventricles detected by ultrasonography.
Holoprosencephaly: the brain and the eyes are usually very severe developmental disorder. Incompatible with life and not being able to treat the early diagnosis of these anomalies is very important. It is recommended to terminate the pregnancy to the family.
Aqueductal Canal Stenosis (Aquaductal stenosis) of the cerebrospinal fluid caused by preventing the circulation as described above, constitutes the majority of hydrocephalus. Infection may be due to genetic reasons or tumor formation. Pregnancy can also occur in later periods. Babies born with this problem regulating the circulation of CSF Shunt surgery after birth usually benefit.
Dandy-Walker syndrome: affect the development of the cerebellum, which is an anomaly and generally poor prognosis. The section of the cerebellum called the vermis untraceable and 4 izlenir.18 significant expansion in the ventricle. weeks before the diagnosis is usually not possible. Some cases may be asymptomatic at birth, but at 75% until the age of 3 cases of severe hydrocephalus occurs. termination of pregnancy when these babies are determined Dandy Walker malformation is not possible to live a normal life is the most appropriate option.
Arnold Chiari Malformation: Cerebellum's skull in Subpart 'foramen magnum' name appears in the right place değiştirmesisonuc given space. When a heavy anomalidir.saptan should be advised to terminate the pregnancy.
Agenesi the Corpus Callosum: the corpus callosum in the brain is not possible to determine early pregnancy yapıdır.koordinasyo combining both a half and my sağlar.oluşu be forwarded to each half of the brain nerve impulses that partly occurs in the later stages.
Encephalocele: Skull bones are normally out of the neural tissue of the herniated opening must absences. Usually with some other anomalies. Determine the size of brain tissue affected by the events of the prognosis of the table.

Statistics related to congenital defects:
(Source: http://www.cdc.gov/birthdefects)
Between 2004-2006 the rates of 21 common birth defects:
Anencephaly: 4859 has seen the birth of a
Spina bifida (without anencephaly): 2858
Encephalocele: 12235
Anofltalm in / Microphthalmos: 5349
Truncus arteriosus (Common trunk): 13 876
Transposition of the great arteries: 3333
Tetralogy of Fallot: 2518
ASD: 2122
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: 4344
Cleft palate: 1574
Tomorrow lip (cleft palate or not included): 940
Esophageal atresia / Transözogageal fistula: 4608
Rectal or bowel atresia, stenosis: 2138
Upper limb deformity (Reduction deformity): 2869
Defosmite the lower extremity (Reduction deformity): 5949
Gastroschisis: 2229
Omphalocele: 5386
Diaphragmatic hernia: 3836
Trisomy 13: 7906
Trisomy 21: 691
Trisomy 18: 3762

- In IVF and ICSI pregnancies obtained by assisted reproductive techniques, such as the incidence of congenital anomalies it is higher. In normal pregnancy, major congenital anomalies, while the rate of 3 per cent, assisted reproductive techniques of births occur with increases to 9 percent.
- Major konkenital anomaly: Vital that can create danger or are congenital anomalies requiring surgical procedures for correction. In all major congenital birth rate is about 3%. Minor is closer to 10 percent rate of congenital anomalies.

BIRTH (Congenital) DEFECTS

Approximately 3-5% of newborn babies in the various structural anomalies (anomaly = unusual structural feature) is encountered. With advancing technology is sometimes possible to detect abnormalities at an early stage, it anomalies incompatible with life rather than allow babies to more growth is possible to terminate the pregnancy.

There is no risk factor in many infants with congenital disorders. Nevertheless increases the risk of the presence of certain factors:
- Family or personal history of birth defects
- Previous children have birth defects
- The use of certain drugs during pregnancy formation
- 35 years later pregnancies

However, it is impossible to determine the overall problem is unnecessary. Because a significant number of congenital anomalies does not create any negativity, problems are corrected. Early detection of possible anomalies incompatible with life principles on ultrasound, so to be able to provide mothers and families of the less wear as much as possible in every sense.

Diaphragmatic Hernia: the abdomen and chest cavity of the organ in the abdominal cavity due to a defect in the diaphragm separates the chest cavity from each other, it is partly a case of herniation. Defect weight determines the size of the abdominal organs into the chest cavity. Almost all of the many congenital abnormalities is likely to be with anomalous vardir.En system, reproductive system, skeletal system and kidneys, bladder problems of post-operative patients with moderate çıkar.hafif anomalilerininh weeks all of them living without sequelae may be possible.

Adenoid cystic congenital malformation: an emerging disease by the presence of cysts in the lungs without the normal anatomy. Often the diagnosis is put after birth and can be treated surgically. If adenoid cystic ultrasound development is followed by serial sonographic malformation detected if, when fetal hydrops are the first signs emerged of birth should be performed and surgical treatment should be applied.

NERVOUS SYSTEM anomalilerimerkez nervous system of postnatal treatment of a portion of some of the anomalies that occur in the life incompatible may be possible.
Hydrocephalus is the brains of the space in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is considered among the thousand increase in frequency durumudur.görül 0.3-0.5. Hydrocephalus can occur for various reasons and the cases of other anomalies are found in the central nervous system and other systems in up to half. The enlargement of the lateral ventricles detected by ultrasonography.
Holoprosencephaly: the brain and the eyes are usually very severe developmental disorder. Incompatible with life and not being able to treat the early diagnosis of these anomalies is very important. It is recommended to terminate the pregnancy to the family.
Aqueductal Canal Stenosis (Aquaductal stenosis) of the cerebrospinal fluid caused by preventing the circulation as described above, constitutes the majority of hydrocephalus. Infection may be due to genetic reasons or tumor formation. Pregnancy can also occur in later periods. Babies born with this problem regulating the circulation of CSF Shunt surgery after birth usually benefit.
Dandy-Walker syndrome: affect the development of the cerebellum, which is an anomaly and generally poor prognosis. The section of the cerebellum called the vermis untraceable and 4 izlenir.18 significant expansion in the ventricle. weeks before the diagnosis is usually not possible. Some cases may be asymptomatic at birth, but at 75% until the age of 3 cases of severe hydrocephalus occurs. termination of pregnancy when these babies are determined Dandy Walker malformation is not possible to live a normal life is the most appropriate option.
Arnold Chiari Malformation: Cerebellum's skull in Subpart 'foramen magnum' name appears in the right place değiştirmesisonuc given space. When a heavy anomalidir.saptan should be advised to terminate the pregnancy.
Agenesi the Corpus Callosum: the corpus callosum in the brain is not possible to determine early pregnancy yapıdır.koordinasyo combining both a half and my sağlar.oluşu be forwarded to each half of the brain nerve impulses that partly occurs in the later stages.
Encephalocele: Skull bones are normally out of the neural tissue of the herniated opening must absences. Usually with some other anomalies. Determine the size of brain tissue affected by the events of the prognosis of the table.

Statistics related to congenital defects:
(Source: http://www.cdc.gov/birthdefects)
Between 2004-2006 the rates of 21 common birth defects:
Anencephaly: 4859 has seen the birth of a
Spina bifida (without anencephaly): 2858
Encephalocele: 12235
Anofltalm in / Microphthalmos: 5349
Truncus arteriosus (Common trunk): 13 876
Transposition of the great arteries: 3333
Tetralogy of Fallot: 2518
ASD: 2122
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: 4344
Cleft palate: 1574
Tomorrow lip (cleft palate or not included): 940
Esophageal atresia / Transözogageal fistula: 4608
Rectal or bowel atresia, stenosis: 2138
Upper limb deformity (Reduction deformity): 2869
Defosmite the lower extremity (Reduction deformity): 5949
Gastroschisis: 2229
Omphalocele: 5386
Diaphragmatic hernia: 3836
Trisomy 13: 7906
Trisomy 21: 691
Trisomy 18: 3762

- In IVF and ICSI pregnancies obtained by assisted reproductive techniques, such as the incidence of congenital anomalies it is higher. In normal pregnancy, major congenital anomalies, while the rate of 3 per cent, assisted reproductive techniques of births occur with increases to 9 percent.
- Major konkenital anomaly: Vital that can create danger or are congenital anomalies requiring surgical procedures for correction. In all major congenital birth rate is about 3%. Minor is closer to 10 percent rate of congenital anomalies.