This test is called intelligence test result?
two tests performed in pregnancy, triple test is called intelligence test among the general public, such as the quadruple test to test. The original name of this test called a test of intelligence among the people are prenatal Down syndrome screening tests or screening tests. (prenatal screening tests). These tests are not tests that measure the intelligence of the baby, but the risk of chromosomal abnormalities identified in the results of these tests are the disease that is associated with mental retardation, Down syndrome (mongoloid baby, trisomy 21) as. The level of intelligence of the baby's mother is no test that evaluates directly. These tests can also be determined by intelligence tensioner chromosomal abnormalities in the baby outside has a wide variety of diseases, such as hypothyroidism. In other words, these tests are only scans a few of the diseases that can mental retardation does not scan for the others so the results of these tests normally a newborn also due to another disease mental retardation occur. So they all have normal intelligence tests results after the baby's birth does not guarantee that normal intelligence.
When intelligence tests, which are done in the week?
Of these two tests performed between 11-14 weeks of pregnancy. Triple or quadruple test is done between 16-20 weeks of testing. Dual fetus while testing the nuchal translucency (NT) is measured.
As with most test has fallibility in a certain ratio in these tests. That's a baby on the results of these tests appear normal are actually likely to be sick. Conversely, the risk of having a baby appears normal to abnormal, these tests are also available. But of course, the tests show the correct ratio is higher than the rate of false show. Therefore, methods such as amniocentesis or CVS is used to translate a conclusive result in this test. This test of the credibility of information on rates and other matters can be found through the links below.
Twins, triplets and other multiple births screening:
Twins, triplets and other multiple births double test, triple test, quad test can not be applied due to successful unable to express. Instead, the purpose of this pregnancy scan, nuchal translucency (NT) measurement is used.
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