22 Eylül 2016 Perşembe


What enter menopause?
A woman to completely cut the number of cases as a result of reduced ovarian activity is called menopause. another case caused the accident or pieces not seen the woman for 12 months causing menstruation to menopause on the exact diagnosis. In our country, the average age of menopause is around 46-48 entering, the average age of menopause is around 51 in the world.

Menopause diagnosis (diagnosis) How is it?
The term menopause in premenopausal before the complete cessation of menses that describes a few years earlier. In this period of ovarian hormones and menstrual irregularities gradually decreases occur, decrease so the ability of women to get pregnant. During this period, increases in the blood begins viewed FSH. The first days of the total FSH in the blood is usually judged by the 3rd day. The main reason for the rise in this hormone decrease in the hormone inhibin. i.e. ovarian follicles in egg cells is reduced inhibin hormone production is reduced, which leads to increased FSH release from the brain. The exact cause of the increase of FSH and not the reduction of estrogen, is the reduction of inhibition. estrogen levels may be normal during this period. Therefore, it is not so much the diagnosis of menopause estrogen imposing value is important FSH. Estrogen, progesterone and LH levels in this period is generally not important in the diagnosis of menopause does not change. Teşhisd most important criteria are examined and cared for FSH is the hormone levels in the blood. Only menopause can not be diagnosed by ultrasound. The definition of menopause is my vision for 12 months uninterrupted ads actually must be passed this time for a definitive diagnosis, ie retrospectively diagnosed with it last.

How do I know that I've entered menopause?
A woman looking at the symptoms described above or irregular menstruation, menstrual delay Based on such findings can not understand it entered menopause. There are many diseases that cause these symptoms other than menopause. Therefore, menopause can be diagnosed by a doctor performed some tests and examinations. teşhisd most important criteria as stated above, FSH is viewed examination and blood hormone levels. Only menopause can not be diagnosed by ultrasound.

I do not see ads for a few months, the number of irregular Did I wonder if I'm going through menopause?
This is where most of the patients doubts. Such complaints, especially after the age of 43-55 may indicate approaching menopause in their twenties and younger oyuzl age of menopause does not create much doubt, but still not known precisely as a result of the inspection. A woman in menstruation, menstrual irregularities, menstrual in sparse, outside which may cause symptoms such as menopausal bleeding has reduced the amount of many diseases. Goiter, some hormone disorders, some cysts, fibroids, stress, psychological situations pieces can cause various disorders. Therefore, you can not be sure that your symptoms of menopause without examination by your physician indicator.

postmenopausal women what to do?
Surely a women's health and the obstetrician (gynecologist) applying must be examined. Menopause diagnosis if they were clearly some blood tests, smear examination, inspection and, if necessary, such as the BMD film mammography for osteoporosis will be made. After all necessary drugs for menopausal symptoms or osteoporosis to be initiated. Women entering menopause should have a gynecological examination years.

Do you see the number of women entering menopause?
In the year approaching menopause (premenopausal years), albeit rarely it is normal to see one every few months. But after menstruation occurs if certain conditions for 12 months after menopause diagnosed with longer pieces (menses) or there should be another bleeding. If there is any vaginal bleeding should consult their doctor before for the investigation of the cause. Further information about bleeding after menopause may be ulaşabilrisiniz you by clicking here.

Is there a need for up to menopausal pregnancy prevention method?
After the age of menopause is approaching the 44-45 women become pregnant is extremely difficult, but not impossible, therefore, must be fully couples who do not want children to be protected, until the manopoz. After no menstruation has occurred to prevention methods can be for 1 year now. You should consult your doctor about birth control methods which can be used in advanced age, randomly used birth control methods without consulting a doctor can lead to dangerous situations.

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