22 Eylül 2016 Perşembe

AVOID infertility


Fertility problems in couples experiencing problems can be detected equally in male or female, sometimes problems can be detected in both people. In about 10-15% of couples experiencing infertility problems in men and women what INABILITY what SATNA no reason. Please click here for additional information about infertility and its causes. Infertility may cause a wide range of women and men, some of these causes are preventable nature of some measures can be taken to reduce the risk, at least, but for some reason (such as congenital) are irrepressible nature.

Individuals or society in infertility (infertility) to prevent risks that may cause problems or may take steps to minimize, some of these measures are listed below.

- Smoking, alcohol, stay away from bad habits such as drugs.

- Stay away from stress

- Healthy eating does not pay attention to the rules, to excessive weight gain.

- A regular gynecological check to be examined women years of infertility can be prevented with early detection of certain diseases.

- Sexual relations with certain diseases as the cause diseases such as PID can cause infertility problems in men and women. Therefore, avoiding relationships that could pose risks for such diseases or condom use is important.

- Unreliable condom in sexual intercourse (without a condom) dissemination and public use should be made of the campaigns to raise awareness on this issue.

- Indivisible individuals who are at risk of sexually transmitted diseases in the Community must undergo health screening at regular intervals.

- Age progression with the age factor, especially when plans for marriage and pregnancy in women with decreased reproductive potential must also be taken into consideration. (See ... the age of the woman, the age of the man ...)

- If you are working in a workplace related to chemical inhalation or contact with these substances, you should investigate the factors that have to do with infertility.

- Or undescended testes in men early detection and treatment of diseases such as varicocele will reduce the quality of sperm.

- Schools, giving information about reproductive health community in areas such as military units.

What are the plants that prevent infertility?

Patients most often one of the subjects of interest that can be used to prevent infertility herbs, teas, herbs, Is there any cures? Such herbs and other substances can create harmful effects if unconscious use of this reason, infertility (infertility) should not be consulted as never sensitive and important issue. Couples reaching more aware of such efforts can reduce the chance of pregnancy while trying to have a child.

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