20 Eylül 2016 Salı


Determination of some of the methods and techniques applied to the baby's gender before pregnancy was always a subject of interest from ancient history to the present day. Hence derived dealing with this issue in every society, there are a variety of techniques described in halkara. But there is no real evidence that this is effective is that none of the proposals described in determining the sex of the baby. For example, about the day will be entered into a relationship or about the parents of nutrition, the relationship between the shape of the corresponding described can determine the sex of the baby of the various methods people but consists of all of these rumors have been shown to have an effect.

Moreover, they have drawbacks in terms of ethical and the use purpose of selecting the sex of the baby of the other methods described below. Pre-determination of the sex of the baby and the sex desired by him some babies can break the delicate balance of nature to bring to the world. Already the thoughts of the majority of couples in the best way "important that the baby be healthy" is said. Normally, the number of baby boys and girls from the world is almost equal.

Please note that some methods are tried and those who want to get the gender that consists entirely coincidental. which means there is a chance he tried to keep the boy or girl is probably fifty percent is already a total of two possibilities. Already impossible to ever hold. Therefore it should not be relied on to these kinds of stories. There is no method to determine the sex of the baby outside genetic method called PGD, which consists of all waste of time.

A male reproductive cell (sperm) with a woman as a result of the merger of the eggs occurs during pregnancy. The woman's egg cell contains only the X chromosome, the Y chromosome does women. Some of the man's sperm X chromosome contains some of the Y chromosome. If two X comes together when sperm fertilizes a woman's egg contains an X chromosome (XX), and baby girl. If a sperm fertilizes a woman's egg cells containing the Y chromosome X and Y will come together (XY) and the baby will be a boy. So here is a woman not a man's sperm that determines the sex.

Today that can be used to determine the baby's gender, most advanced and accurate diagnosis of PGD (pre-conception genetic diagnosis - PGD) method. This overmolding with a cell fertilized embryos examined on the tube during operation and sex of the baby investigated as well as chromosomal disorders. If the desired sex cells, the embryo is placed in the mother's womb. Our country has been using this method for the determination of sex is only used for the screening of genetic diseases. Due to ethical and medical drawback is prohibited in many countries to determine gender. sex with this method can be determined with 100% accuracy.

gender test
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Related Methods with Mom and Dad's Nutrition
The whole world is written about it, and although there are some suggestions described has no proven efficacy, none.

Chinese Calendar Method
At certain ages and in certain months it has been using this method to determine the baby's sex through sexual intercourse but there is no scientific proof of a valid and so is not described here in detail this method. No effect of such methods. China Click here for more information about the calendar.

The Shettles Medot
Landrum Sheetles be faster than the developed method is the doctor side of the X chromosome and the Y chromosome is based on the life of the less essential. This logic in the near term memories of the woman's ovulation (shortly before or after ovulation) If an association is likely to argue that it would be the baby's men. Conversely, if the 2-4 days before ovulation relations entered argued that instantly increases the chance that the baby girl. The moment of ovulation by measuring body temperature every day or looking at the changes in cervical mucus or you need to understand some urine tests. This method is also controversial in determining how successful gender.

Whelan Method
Shettles method is an advocate of the opposite principle. Elizabeth Whelan has described. Argue that the relationship should be entered for male infants 4-6 days before ovulation, ovulation for baby girl argued before intercourse 2-3 days. Shettles method conflicting with the effect of this method is questionable.

Ericsson Albumin Method
Dr. Ericsson, the method described by male taken from sperm X and Y chromosome tries to dichotomization containing fakay this separation is not a clear separation has taken place at 100% it is difficult vebaşar does not give 100%. Male baby IUI the sperm containing the Y chromosome in the region if required (vaccination) method is called with gestation. She asked if the baby is called immunization with sperm containing an X chromosome in the region. The implementation of this method is reported to ethical and legal aspects of possible objectionable 70-80% were successful and controversial from a scientific perspective.

Method MicroSort
This method is usually based on the same logic Ericsson overmolding fakay X sperm of a different method for segmenting vey form is used. This method of flow cytometry and FISH methods are used. Sperm obtained by this method IUI (vaccination) or tubes into the uterus is provided with baby methods. Civarındabaşar rate of 70-80% has been reported.

babychoi by Method (Selnas Method)
This method periods of the surface of the female egg cell is based on the logic undergo different polarization. So the egg cell and the sperm containing the Y chromosome X is taking it in some periods in some periods. Here's what sex the baby is desired by creating a calendar that determines these periods is provided at the time of entering relationships. Any interference in the mother or father or sperm and egg cells, according to the calendar just created separation, etc, will not be required to enter into the relationship of the couple. Some information and blood for laboratory analysis of couples in Switzerland are sent to create the calendar. The calendar is then sent to the couple. From 1997 on gender determination method applied since 87% report that they succeeded.

There are, after all methods described above should not be forgotten that in a perfect balance of nature and the intervention of the people in this balance can have serious consequences. Therefore, regardless of gender "healthy" would be the best to ask for a baby. The above information is given solely to inform the parents-to-head in a variety of sensations involved in this issue.

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