17 Eylül 2016 Cumartesi


Each (menstrual) bleeding in girls usually begins between ages 9-12. The first number is called the menarche seen. 9 years ago, early ads to be seen.

The first menstruation in girls 9 years old and may be several reasons for the onset of puberty other symptoms. Sometimes, no cause can be found and is referred to as idiopathic. Brain and some tumors secrete hormones related to ovarian externally received drugs, some diseases or tumors associated with menstruation may cause the adrenal glands young. Sometimes it is seen that menstruation in young children in the 4-5 age and the child's noticeable that the internal investigation birth control pills or hormone drugs similar to that found at home. In this respect, the family must be careful. There is no inconvenience of menstruation due to smoking drugs it will stop automatically and will not again. However, other reasons that cause vision early pieces are important and should be treated.

Bone epiphyses girls began menstruating at an early age may close early and therefore may be a short length. To prevent this, and some treatments are applied to give psychological support to the child.

Quantity must begin no later than a few years?
The first menstruation in girls must begin at least 14 years old. other signs of puberty such as breast growth in hair growth and menstrual bleeding has started outside of menstruation for up to 16 years can be expected. Until this age units (period) should consult a doctor immediately if the bleeding starts. Until the start of this age to primary amenorrhea no number is called.

In the first years of the start of the pieces (adolescence) is normal to have irregular, one vision can occur even 3-5 months. In these cases, usually pieces rather than wait for regulatory preferred treatment because the patient's age usually grows into self-pieces and have the latest order is 16-17 years old.

Puberty (units) factors that affect the age of onset:
children who are exposed to the following factors girls begin menstruation at a younger age.
- People who live in developed countries
- Those living in urban areas
- Sea level, among those living in low altitude
- People who live in regions close Ekvato
- Blind at the age of puberty starts earlier

- Who licked in rural areas, excessive exercising, severe malnutrition, people who live in cold climates girls begin menstruation at a later age. Slightly overweight girls begin menstruating at an earlier age, but shows just the opposite effect of severe obesity.

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