21 Eylül 2016 Çarşamba



Triple test (triple test) is a test performed to determine chromosomal abnormalities and some congenital abnormality called neural tube defects in babies during pregnancy may be. trisomy 21 baby as the double test (Down syndrome) and trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) risk being determined, but not precisely determine the presence of this syndrome in infants. If the baby is higher if the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the triple test for accurate diagnosis CVS or amniocentesis is done. B-hCG and free estriol (UE3) is determined by measuring these risks.

Triple test, as distinct from the double test of the anomaly called the risk of neural tube defects can be identified, measured in triple test that it provides (AFP alfafötoprote) value. Neural tube defects of spinal cord injury on the baby's nervous system (to have the baby in the back-bay people) or are associated with abnormalities of brain damage.

Trisomy 21 and 18 mental retardation, heart defects and other diseases that are a multiple organ abnormalities. This is why it's called intelligence test test to this is also the baby's triple test is not a test that measures the level of intelligence.

Triple test is usually performed between 16-20 weeks of pregnancy can evaluate some labs 15-22 weeks. little is done by taking blood from the mother just as in the triple test in normal blood tests.

According to the latest triple test to determine the risk it is the same as in the two tests. (1/270 for Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome 1/100) you can read the writing duo screening for detailed information about risk limits. Triple the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in babies can be completely normal test results from high to pregnancy, CVS or amniocentesis is performed to determine the final result.

because it is too risky for pregnant women over 35 years old "usually" is directly offering amniocentesis without the need for triple test.

What is the success of the triple test?

All of pregnancy with a baby with Down's syndrome screening test triple determined can be determined only up to 70%. triple test results in about one-third of pregnancies with Down's syndrome baby does not come as a high-risk, regular income. This is due to low success to determine the triple test is not recommended for use alone.

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