21 Eylül 2016 Çarşamba

Cordocentesis (CORD BLOOD COLLECTION from)


Cordocentesis entering into the uterus with pregnancy with a special needle through the abdominal wall is taken from the baby's umbilical cord blood. a small amount of blood is taken up 2-3 milliliters of cordocentesis.
Taken blood karyotyping baby's genetic research that can be done to further assess whether affected or how the baby's blood incompatibility to investigate some infections. If still lead to anemia, blood disorders in infants, unborn babies Cordocentesis method can also be done with a blood transfusion.
(Also abbreviated as PUBS: Percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling)

Umbilical vein (umbilical cord is collected in vessels) of large diameter, wall thickness of less composed and arterial (arteries) umbilical and fetal bradycardia initiatives is preferable to a higher rate of interest due to the initiative. If possible the entry of the first strand of the placenta is preferably made from a free bead portion is not possible. Kordosenteztez after blood incompatibility in families with blood incompatibility (anti-D) injection is made.

When are Cordocentesis?
Usually 18 to 20. and after weeks of gestation until delivery can be made every month. Not only in twin pregnancies can be administered in single pregnancies, cordocentesis.

Cordocentesis apply in which situations?
- Ultrasonography doubt the presence of abnormalities in the baby (this is the most common cause of cordocentesis)
- Determination of high risk in screening tests
- To give clear results of other diagnostic methods
- Failure of culture in amniocentesis
- Apply now for prenatal diagnostic methods the family
- The evaluation of some infectious diseases (toxoplasma, rubella)
- Not affected by the presence of blood incompatibility
- Baby in the presence of anemia
- Advanced maternal age
- Have retarded development in the womb the baby
- Oligo (for lack of baby juice)
- Before giving birth to abnormal babies
- Parental balanced translocation

According to other prenatal diagnostic methods can lead to more serious complications chordocentesis. A process according to amniocentesis is more difficult.

What are the risks Cordocentesis?
After application, the slowdown in the baby's heartbeat, premature birth, the water coming, infection, problems such as bruising can be seen in the umbilical cord. bleeding into the amniotic fluid may occur. The risk of losing the baby in Cordocentesis application is about 1-5%. Mother related infections may be risks such as bleeding. Therefore, fever in the days following the operation, chills, water coming, vaginal bleeding, pain, should consult a doctor immediately in the presence of contraction.

The needle directly harm the baby is unlikely situation in practice. That is not a situation such as needle-stick injury to the baby and it is rare to be called because it is made by observing all ultrasound-guided procedures. But the baby's heartbeat after taking blood from the cord deterioration and the risk of dying babies are about 1-5 per cent rate.

How Cordocentesis?
Operations performed ultrasound examination is performed as in the supine position. baby by ultrasound and observing cord with a needle extending inside the uterus is taken from umbilical cord blood in small amounts. It is a process which lasted approximately 10-15 minutes. After the procedure the patient can go home a few hours of rest. After a few days the patient is recommended to refrain from excessive strenuous activity. If blood incompatibility between parents needle made of blood incompatibility.
approximately one week after the procedure and informed the family becomes obvious by the results. As a result of chromosomal abnormalities incompatible with life Cordocentesis baby in the family diagnosed cases of pregnancy termination options are available.

When interest the results of Cordocentesis application? Is it safe?
conclude an average of 7-10 days after cordocentesis. Cordocentesis genetic analysis procedures give results very close to certain as the amniocentesis. mixing of blood taken from the mother cell mosaicism in situations like having babies rarely cause misdiagnosis. Approximately 99% said that give reliable results for the intended disease. all genetic diseases with Cordocentesis undetectable. May not be obtained after cordocentesis culture, then the examination can be made. Culture is reported failure rate of approximately 10-15% in different centers.

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