20 Eylül 2016 Salı



Chinese calendar is a calendar to determine the sex of the baby has been described centuries ago. Many babies are trying to determine the sex of the baby with a pair Takci'm waiting.

How to use the Chinese calendar?
china implementation calendar to predict the sex of the baby during pregnancy is extremely simple. The bottom table shows the age of the calendar as shown in the left column at the time of the pregnant mother. (Not of age at the time of giving birth.)
The top line also shows conceived month. (Not months for delivery)
This month is estimated age and gender of the baby portions coincide. For example, 20-year-old woman become pregnant in August, as the baby will be a boy.

Is that the Chinese calendar can determine the sex of the baby?
There is no scientific validity of the Chinese calendar does not determine the baby's gender. According to the Chinese calendar is for example a 25-year-old girl must have all the babies of women who become pregnant in January. Every year tens of thousands of 25-year-old woman is pregnant in January, but it is not all of them baby girls, girls and boys are equal rate each month and at any age. Therefore, based on an extremely simple logic, this calendar is completely pointless. couples who want babies should be used only for the purpose of this estimate and entertainment calendar. It should be noted that the right to know which method has a fifty percent chance whatsoever because there are only two gender options.

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