20 Eylül 2016 Salı


From the outset of the pregnancy begins a new era for the expectant mother. Now it carries another baby in the womb itself and has to think of her every move. The mother during pregnancy is not only changing body shape or weight, lifestyle, eating habits, movements in short, almost all life depends. Therefore, mothers should adapt to these changes, you should be careful and knowledgeable. His every movement, everything that's on the inside that ye should know what kind of pregnancy effects might be. more trouble paying attention to them and will put a peaceful pregnancy.
Here are banned should be considered in the overall duration of pregnancy and freedom it is listed. The information contained herein has been short listed only article by article, you can click the >> sign next to the detailed information about each one.
Please note: The information contained herein has been written for a problem with a normal pregnancy and everything, but this may change if there is a problem or an extra condition criteria in pregnancy. For example, automobile travel in a normal pregnancy are free and there is no disadvantage, but in the presence of a car ride or some other problem with bleeding during pregnancy can be harmful.

What Pregnancy is free, harmless?
- Using Car >>
- Cars trip >>
- Air travel >>
- Walking >>
- Running (excessive and should not be long) >>
- Swimming >>
- Exercise (excessive and should not be long) >>
- Sexual Relationship (if not bleeding and threat of premature birth) >>
- Hair dye Up >>
- Hair removal, waxing >>
- Tea, coffee, cola, tea (in small amounts) >>
- Fish, tuna >>
- Seat belt >>
- Acupuncture >>
- Mobile phone (Excessive use is not recommended, you can read the description) >>
- Magnetic security doors (shopping centers, airports) >>
- Metal search detectors (the security guard) >>
- Microwave >>
- Omega 3 (fish oil) >>
- Cats, dogs, birds feeding (it is necessary to note) >>
- Vegetarianism >>
- Mr grind >>
- Vaginal examination and ultrasound >>
- To listen to music Baby >>

What is prohibited in pregnancy can be harmful?
- Non->>
- Alcohol >>
- Drugs >>
- X-ray >>
- Tomography (CT) >>
- Sweeteners >>
- Sauna, Turkish bath, spa >>
- Raw meat, raw meat, undercooked eggs, unpasteurized milk >>

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