13 Eylül 2016 Salı

Baby reverse Coming

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learn that your baby can disappoint you reverse it quite imagine. But this is not unusual and are not necessarily conclude that caesarean section.
Breech delivery; In contrast to the normal-head position before, is entering the birth canal before hips and feet.

There are different types of breech birth.
Pure breech presentation: 50-70% of all breech would be this way. The baby's right thigh pulled through the body, the knee is fully extended. Baby feet next to his head. It is only part of the baby's buttocks leading.

Complete breech: Creates a 5-10% of breech presentation. Both legs are bent both knees. The baby is cross-legged position.

Incomplete breech: Legs referred to as the arrival. The incidence is between 10-30%. the leading part of the baby butt is not up.

Rotate your baby

If before birth, your baby may be able to turn you learn that the opposite of birth. Your doctor 37-40. weeks of your baby will try to turn his head down. This process is called turning down the baby with outside interference (ECV). Your doctor will apply pressure on your stomach. This works in two-thirds of pregnancy, and in the first pregnancy is less successful.
Things tried at home
The things you can try at home are:

1. Spend most of your time crawling. This allows your baby's head to spin down of gravity. Lie down on the ground every day and read the newspaper or magazine to crawl.
2. Make the right moves a little. This move can expand the pelvic outlet and help to return the baby.

3. the head on an ironing board or arranged at an angle of 45 degrees and knees slanted way, extends for 15 minutes three times a day. Gravity will enable them to move toward the top of the baby's uterus and its rotation.

4. Place the hot water bag in the bottom of a bag of ice on top of your uterus. Baby will move toward hot.

5. Sing and talk. Record your voice while singing and talking to your baby. Place the headphones near your pubic bone and your baby and encourage him to move toward the sound.

If you all refuse to return despite their babies, cesarean delivery is recommended in most of such cases.

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