13 Eylül 2016 Salı

Cesarian section

Sezeryan Doğum
There are two types of cesarean section, scheduled and urgent. A planned caesarean section can be carried out for many reasons:

- Your baby is the wrong location.

- Your pelvis is very narrow.

- You've previously given birth by cesarean section (60% of women who gave birth by cesarean section in advance then do it again cesarean delivery).

- You will require your baby to give birth by cesarean section.

Emergency cesarean section

In cases where the baby's birth is done quickly taken during an emergency cesarean section. One reason is that the baby's head into your pelvis properly. Another reason is to see if the baby's health is at risk.
Caesarean section is performed under local anesthesia.
In many cases, caesarean section - albeit with emergency caesarean section is performed under local anesthesia even as an epidural. Epidural numbs your body until your thigh to your chest. So you will not feel pain during surgery and immediately after birth, you have a chance to say hello to your baby.

If your baby needs to be carried out very quickly for an emergency caesarean section when it is exposed to too much stress, you will be given general anesthesia. In this case, your baby will be out at dawn.

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